The abstract submission deadline for oral/poster presentations is on 1st July 2016. Each presenter is allowed to choose either one presentation (oral or poster), or both (one oral presentation and one poster). In case one chooses to have both types of presentations, then separate abstracts should be submitted.

The title, author name(s), affiliation(s), abstract text, and references (if applicable) should not exceed a total of A4 one page. For an abstract which does not contain a figure, the text length should be around 350-400 words.
font: Times New Roman
font size: title 14pt, name/affiliation 12pt, main text 11pt.
Wnen you send your abstract, please indicate the type of presentation that applies to your case - ORAL or POSTER.

Please download the abstract template.
Abstract tempelate. WORDI
Abstract tempelate. PDFI

Please submit your abstract to: