Chiba is located between Tokyo-Narita International airport and Tokyo. From the Narita aiport to Chiba, it takes about 40min. by bus or 60 min. by local train. Many hotels are located around Chiba station. Chiba University is located at Nishi-Chiba station, one stop from Chiba station. From Chiba station the yellow line at platform No.1 or 2, and the next stop is Nishi-Chiba station. In front of the station (30 m), you will find the south gate of Chiba Univ.
The conference is held at Academic-link center, ground floor, Room "Hikari", in Chiba Univ. (Nishi-Chiba campus).

Map of Chiba Univ., Nishi-Chiba Campus

Train information from Tokyo-Narita airport and Tokyo-Haneda airport.