Resonant and non-resonant photoelectron diffraction from transition metal
Peter Krüger
Nanomaterial Science Department,
Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science, Chiba University, Chiba 263-8522, Japan
A computational method for non-resonant and resonant valence photoelectron spectroscopy has been
developed on the basis of real-space multiple scattering.
First, the interplay between initial and final state effects in non-resonant
photoelectron diffraction is clarified taking a Cu(111) surface as an example.
Second, spin-polarization in resonant photoemission at the transition metal
2p-3d resonance is studied. For circular polarized light, strong spin-polarization in
antiferromagnetic systems is found in agreement with experiment. It is shown that
this spin-polarization is essentially unrelated to the existence of local magnetic moments,
but instead due to an angular momentum transfer from light to photoelectron through
core-level spin-orbit coupling and exchange decay.