ç—t‘åŠw  Chiba University  @Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science  @—Z‡‰ÈŠwŒ¤‹†‰È

Research Project: Computing novel functions in low-dimensional systems

The aim of this project is to make progress in the understanding of new quantum phenomena, especially related to magnetism, occuring in low dimensional systems: surfaces, atomic and molecular films and nanoparticles, by bringing together experimentalists, theorists and computer scienctists of the Graduate School of Advanced Integration Science at Chiba University and external collaborators (read more)

Kick-off Workshop: February 16, 2015

workshop photo
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Chiba University, Nishi-Chiba Campus, Ž©‘R‰ÈŠw‘‡Œ¤‹†“2†A‚QFAƒ}ƒ‹ƒ`ƒƒfƒBƒA‹³Žº

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Workshop Program

10:15 Welcome
10:25 Oral 1: Electron correlation
10:25 Munetaka Taguchi Theory of core-level x-ray spectroscopy for Fe based mixed-valence systems
11:00 Takashi Nakayama Exciton dissociation at organic semiconductor interfaces
11:25 Hidekazu Ikeno XAS and RIXS in Strongly Correlated Systems: The Ab-Initio Multiplet Approach
12:00 Lunch
13:20 Oral 2: Spin-orbit induced effects
13:20 Keisuke Hatada Full potential calculation of x-ray absorption spectra of graphene and graphene oxide
13:55 Peter Krüger Resonant and non-resonant photoelectron diffraction from transition metal surfaces
14:20 Kazuyuki Sakamoto Peculiar two-dimensional spin-polarized electronic states on solid surfaces
14:45 Posters and Coffee
16:15 Oral 3: Single molecule electronics
16:15 Hiroshi Okuyama Single-molecule surface chemistry with STM: From quantum phenomena to molecular junctions
16:50 Naoka Ohta Magnetic response of an iron phthalocyanine lattice on Au(111)
17:15 Toyokazu Yamada Spin-polarized STM study on nano magnets and molecules
17:40 Round table / Lab tour
18:30 Dinner
20:30 End

Speech duration: 20 min (invited: 30 min) + 5 min discussion


S. Nakashima Control of single molecular states using STM atom manipulation
H. Fukuda STM/STS study of Graphene nanoribbon
Akihiro Koide Evaluation of spin-orbit interaction at non-absorbing atoms for XMCD
Shota Tsuru F 1s photoelectron angular distributions detected in coincidence with the BF2+-F+ ions of BF3 molecules: fragmentation-site dependence of them
Rie Suizu Spatially inhomogeneous, stepwise phase transitions in a heterocyclic thiazyl diradical
Takashi Hayashida Electronic structure of a TlBi alloy formed on Si(111)
Yituo Zhang Growth of ultra-thin Tl single crystal film on Ag(111)
Yuki Yoshimoto Magnetic anisotropy and XMCD of Iron porphyrin on Cu(001) substrate
Shohei Tadano Theory of Photoelectron Yield Spectroscopy