Research Facility
Device Fabrication

Mainly used for device fabrication of 2D materials. Air shower is equipped.
Lithography set-up

Photolthography set-up for electrode patterning.

Electron Beam Lithography(EBL) set-up with precise piezo motor stage.
E-Beam and Thermal Evaporator

Electron Beam Evaporator under ~10-5Pa base pressure.

Thermal Evaporator for organic materials. By using liquid hellium, available to deposit under liquid He temperature.
More evaporators are avarable.
Other fabrication facility

Van der Waals heterostructure factory with optical microscopy.

Rapid Thermal Annealer under Ar/H2 environment.

CVT set-up for oxidazation and crystal growth.

Bondhing machine.

UV ozone cleaner.

Home-built dry reactive ion etching machine.
Device Evaluation Facility
Probe station

Variable temperature probe station. AC/DC transport measurement, optical measurement and high temperature measurement are available.

Variable temperature probe station ranging from 10K to 440K. AC/DC transport measurement is available.
Scanning probe microscopy

Custormized AFM/EFM/MFM/SGM sysytem. Transport measurement and AFM lithography are also available.

AFM/EFM/SGM sysytem under vacuum.

532nm green laser set-up and optical vortex set-up eqquiped with probe station.

Raman spectroscopy set-up equipped with optical microscope.
Low temperature measurement facility

He cryostat with 9 tesla superconducting magnet.

He cryostat with 9 tesla superconducting magnet.

3He insert for 300mK measurement.

3He/4He dilution insert for 100mK measuremnt.

SPM system for ultra low temperature environment. AFM/SGM/EFM measurement is availbale.