Mr. Aruto Akatsuka received Student Award at the 35th International Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference.
Prof. Yoshida gave an invited talk at ICEL2024, Kyoto, Japan.
吉田教授が有機ELの国際学会ICEL2024(Kyoto, Japan)で招待講演をしました。タイトルは、 “Why is electron mobility inferior to hole mobility in organic semiconductors? Elucidation by experimental conduction band and partially dressed polaron model”です。
Prof. Yoshida gave an invited talk at 14th International Conference on Electroluminescence and Optoelectronic Devices (ICEL2024) held at Kyoto, Japan. The title of the talk was “Why is electron mobility inferior to hole mobility in organic semiconductors? Elucidation by experimental conduction band and partially dressed polaron model”.
Mr. Daichi Honma received Best Presentation Award at the 18th Annual Meeting of Japan Society for Molecular Science
本間大智君(講演時M2、現在D1) が2024年9月に京都大学で開催された第18回分子科学討論会で分子科学会優秀講演賞を受賞しました。
Mr. Daichi Honma (2 year of Master Course Student at the time of the lecture, currently Doctor Course) received the Best Presentation Award of the Japan Society for Molecular Science at the 18th Symposium on Molecular Science held at Kyoto University in September 2024. Title of the lecture: Measurement of the Energy Band Structure of Super Atom Molecular Orbitals in C60 Solids This is the world's first observation of the energy band structure of super atom molecular orbitals (SAMO) in the solid state. This observation was made possible by his continuous efforts (of course!) as well as by the angle-resolved low-energy inverse photoelectron spectroscopy developed in our laboratory. Until now, observations of SAMOs have only been made in the gas phase or in a monolayer of molecules. This research makes it possible to use SAMOs to achieve higher electron mobility than current organic semiconductors. The Best Presentation Award at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Molecular Science is given to a young researcher under the age of 33 who has given an outstanding oral presentation as the first author at the Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Molecular Science in the respective year.
Mr. Daichi Honma (M2) presented his research at the 18th Annual Meeting of the Japan Society for Molecular Science.
The title was “Measurement of the Energy Band Structure of Super Atomic Molecular Orbitals in C60 Solids". By using low-energy inverse photoelectron spectroscopy, the band structure of the bulk state of supramolecular atomic molecular orbitals was directly measured for the first time in the world. This research is fundamental toward the development of materials with high electron mobility.
Research results were presented at the 85thAutumn Meeting of Japan Society of Applied Physics in Niigata, Japan.
新潟市の朱鷺メッセで開催された第85 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会に参加し、吉田、古川、大西、駿河、江上、三浦、浜村の7名が研究発表をしました。
Doctor course student, Ms. Kubo gave an oral presentation at ICPST-41.
Prof. Yoshida gave an invited talk at the 11th International Conference on Molecular Electronics & Bioelectronics (M&BE11) held in Matsue, Japan.
The tile was "Unveiling the Conduction Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors: Development of Angle-resolved
Low-Energy Inverse Photoelectron Spectroscopy".
Our recent result appeared in Appl. Phys. Lett. This was a collaborative work with Prof. Hayase and Dr. Gaurav Kapil at UEC.
Title was "Direct measurement of electron affinity of carbazole-based self-assembled monolayer used as hole-selective layer in high-efficiency perovskite solar cells".
Carbazole-based self-assembled monolayers have received considerable attention as hole-selective layers (HSLs) in inverted perovskite solar cells. As an HSL, the electron-blocking capability is important and directly related to electron affinity (EA). Low-energy inverse photoelectron spectroscopy (LEIPS) is the most reliable method for EA measurement. However, the intense electron-impact-induced fluorescence from carbazole interferes with their measurement. By improving the photon detector, we were able to measure 2PACz and MeO-2PACz LEIPS spectra and determine their respective EAs of 1.72 and 1.48 eV. These small EA values ensure effective electron-blocking capability of HSLs regardless of the type of perovskite layer.
Prof. Yoshida gave an invited talk at the 21th International Symposium on the Physics of Semiconductors and Applications (ISPSA 2024) in Jeju Island, South Korea.
韓国の済州島で開催されたISPSA2024で有機半導体の伝導帯バンド構造と部分ポーラロンについての招待講演をしました。タイトルは、Unveiling the Conduction Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors: Development of Angle-resolved Low-Energy Inverse Photoelectron Spectroscopy
The title of the talk was "Unveiling the Conduction Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors: Development of Angle-resolved Low-Energy Inverse Photoelectron Spectroscopy".
Prof. Yoshida gave an invited talk at ECS meeting, San Francisco, USA.
吉田教授がECS meeting(San Francisco, USA)で励起子束縛エネルギーについての招待講演をしました。タイトルは、Precise Determination of Exciton Binding Energy of Organic Semiconductorsです。
The title of the talk was "Precise Determination of Exciton Binding Energy of Organic Semiconductors".
Lecture on Organic Solar Cells in a web course. (Japanese only)
吉田教授がWEB講座「有機薄膜太陽電池の高効率化の 最新状況と材料開発・今後の展望」にて講師を務めます。下記のように豪華講師陣です。
第1部 分子科学研究所 名誉教授 平本 昌宏 氏
第2部 京都大学 工学研究科/教授 大北 英生 氏
第3部 理化学研究所 開拓研究本部 染谷薄膜素子研究室 専任研究員 福田 憲二郎 氏
第4部 千葉大学 大学院工学研究院 教授 吉田 弘幸 氏
開催日 2024年03月28日(木) 11:00-17:30
Prof. Yoshida will give a lecture on Organic Solar Cells in a web course. (Japanese only)
2024 JSAP Spring Meeting Featured Presentation
吉田教授の次の講演が2024年応用物理学会春季学術講演会の注目講演(21件)に選ばれました。応用物理学会からプレスリリースをしました(3月18日14時) 25p-1BC-1 「有機半導体の伝導帯/価電子帯エネルギーバンド幅の温度依存測定によるポーラロン形成の実証」
The following lecture by Professor Yoshida has been selected as a Notable Lecture for the 2024 Spring Meeting of the Japan Society of Applied Physics. 25p-1BC-1 "Demonstration of Polaron Formation by Temperature Dependent Measurement of Conduction/Valence bandwidth"
71th JSAP spring meeting
Prof. Yoshida, Mr. Akatsuka, Mr. Furukawa, and Mr. Kai will give presentations in 70th JSAP spring meeting in Tokyo.
DPG spring meeting2024
Mihiro KUBO(D1) and Daichi HONMA will give oral presentations in DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section in Berlin on March, 17-22, 2024.
Tue, 12:00, CPP 18.9: Mihiro Kubo, Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Comparison of electron affinities in organic semiconductors measured by cyclic voltammetry, conventional inverse photoelectron spectroscopy, and low-energy inverse photoelectron spectroscopy".
Tue, 11:45, HL 17.9: Daichi Homma, Susumu Yanagisawa, and Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Direct observation of the energy band structure of the super atom molecular orbital in solid phase C60"
物質科学コースの吉田弘幸教授らの共同研究チームは、有機半導体の励起子束縛 エネルギーの精密測定に世界で初めて成功し、励起子束縛エネルギーがバンドギ ャップの1/4に比例することを発見しました。この結果は、有機半導体の光エ レクトロニクスの根幹にかかわるもので、有機半導体の光電子物性を制御するカ ギとなります。 本研究成果は、アメリカ化学会のThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 誌に2023年12月11日(現地時間)にオンライン公開されました。 【本学HP】 https://www.chiba-u.ac.jp/news/research-collab/post_93.html https://www.cn.chiba-u.jp/news/231213/ 【出版社HP(オープンアクセスなので無料で購読できます)】 https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpclett.3c02863
本研究成果は、アメリカ化学会のThe Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters