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WEB講座「有機薄膜太陽電池の高効率化の 最新状況と材料開発・今後の展望」(2024年3月28日)こちらに割引がありますので、ご活用ください。

Lecture on Organic Solar Cells in a web course. (Japanese only)

吉田教授がWEB講座「有機薄膜太陽電池の高効率化の 最新状況と材料開発・今後の展望」にて講師を務めます。下記のように豪華講師陣です。

第1部  分子科学研究所  名誉教授  平本 昌宏 氏
第2部  京都大学  工学研究科/教授  大北 英生 氏
第3部  理化学研究所  開拓研究本部 染谷薄膜素子研究室 専任研究員  福田 憲二郎 氏
第4部  千葉大学  大学院工学研究院 教授  吉田 弘幸 氏
開催日 2024年03月28日(木) 11:00-17:30


Prof. Yoshida will give a lecture on Organic Solar Cells in a web course. (Japanese only)


71th JSAP spring meeting


Prof. Yoshida, Mr. Akatsuka, Mr. Furukawa, and Mr. Kai will give presentations in 70th JSAP spring meeting in Tokyo.

ドイツ物理学会2024 (2024年3月17日ー22日)

DPG spring meeting2024


Mihiro KUBO(D1) and Daichi HONMA will give oral presentations in DPG Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section in Berlin on March, 17-22, 2024.

Tue, 12:00, CPP 18.9: Mihiro Kubo, Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Comparison of electron affinities in organic semiconductors measured by cyclic voltammetry, conventional inverse photoelectron spectroscopy, and low-energy inverse photoelectron spectroscopy".
Tue, 11:45, HL 17.9: Daichi Homma, Susumu Yanagisawa, and Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Direct observation of the energy band structure of the super atom molecular orbital in solid phase C60"


High Density Conjugate Youth Association (Online)


○Haruki Sato, "Actual Measurement of LUMO Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors and Demonstration of Polaron Formation" [Domestic Conference, Oral Presentation].


The 3rd Optical Function Workshop (Online)


○Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Development of angle-resolved low-energy inverse photoemission spectroscopy and measurement of conduction bands and formation of polarons in organic semiconductors" [Domestic conference, invited lecture].

○H. Yoshida, S. Fukushima, “Electron injection and collection barriers at organic/metal interface” 【国際学会・招待講演】


Joint Study Group on Organic Materials Development and Evaluation of Organic Thin Films (Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)


Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Measurement of LUMO Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors and Elucidation of Conduction Mechanism" [Invited talk]. and Elucidation of Conduction Mechanism" [Domestic Conference, Invited Lecture] (in Japanese)


JST Future Society Creation Project Full Research Kickoff Symposium


Development of Pb-free perovskite solar cells composed of Sn" (Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University)
○Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Surface and Interface Structures of Perovskites Studied by Electron Spectroscopy

応用物理学会M&BE 6月研究会「有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス研究の最前線」(産総研臨海副都心センター)

Applied Physics Society M&BE June Study Group "Forefront of Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics Research" (AIST Rinkai Fukutoshin Center)


○Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Actual Measurement of LUMO Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors and Elucidation of Conduction Mechanism" [Domestic Conference, Invited Lecture].

24st ECS meeting (Vancouver, Canada)

○H. Yoshida, A. Mirzehmet, “Surface/interface structures of perovskite films as studied by electron spectroscopies”【国際学会・口頭講演】


11th Dynamic Exciton Seminar (Online)


○Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Molecular Quadrupole and Charge Separation of Organic Thin Film Solar Cells" [Domestic Conference, Invited].