Mr. Aruto Akatsuka, a graduate student (M1), received the Young Scientist Presentation Award from the Japan Society of Applied Physics.
博士前期課程1年生の赤塚有杜(吉田研究室)さんが第55回(2023年秋季)応用物理学会講演奨励賞を受賞しました。 受賞対象講演は「カルバゾール誘導体正孔収集単分子膜の分子配向と界面電子準位」(第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会)です。 本研究は、ペロブスカイト太陽電池の正孔収集機構を明らかにし太陽電池性能を向上させるものです。 2024年3月開催の第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会(東京都市大学世田谷キャンパス)にて記念講演が予定されています。 応用物理学会講演奨励賞は、応用物理学会春秋講演会において、応用物理学の発展に貢献しうる優秀な一般講演論文を 発表した若手会員(33歳以下)の功績を称えることを目的に設けられた賞です。詳しくはこちらをご覧ください。
An article about the angle-resolved inverse photoelectron spectroscopy appeared in Rev. Sci. Instrum. and selected as Editor's Pick!
10年がかりで開発した「角度分解低エネルギー逆光電子分光」の装置についての論文がReview of Scientific Instruments誌に掲載され、Editor‘s Pickに選ばれました。米国物理学協会(American Institute of Physics)発行で、実験装置についての最も権威のある(権威的な)雑誌です。
A paper on the angle-resolved low-energy inverse photoelectron spectroscopy apparatus has been published in the Review of Scientific Instruments(1) and was selected as an Editor's Pick. The paper was co-authored by Mr. Kashimoto, Mr. Ideta, Mr. Sato, Mr. Orio, and Mr. Kawamura, graduate students who were involved in the development.
The paper can be read free of charge in the Chiba University repository. https://opac.ll.chiba-u.jp/da/curator/900121756/
Electron affinities of small-molecule organic semiconductors: Comparison among cyclic voltammetry, conventional inverse photoelectron spectroscopy, and low-energy inverse photoelectron spectroscopy
有機半導体について、低エネルギー逆光電子分光で求めた電子親和力とサイクリックボルタンメトリーで求めた還元電位の関係を明らかにする論文がOrganic Electronics誌に掲載されました。
A paper on organic semiconductors that reveals the relationship between electron affinity determined by low-energy inverse photoemission spectroscopy and reduction potential determined by cyclic voltammetry has been published in Organic Electronics.
High Density Conjugate Youth Association (Online)
○Haruki Sato, "Actual Measurement of LUMO Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors and Demonstration of Polaron Formation" [Domestic Conference, Oral Presentation].
Substantial step toward improving the performance of underdeveloped N-type organic semiconductors
The energy band structure of the conduction band, which is essential for clarifying the electronic conduction properties of organic semiconductors, has been successfully observed for the first time in the world. The research team developed angle-resolved low-energy inverse photoemission spectroscopy over a period of 10 years to measure the conduction band of an organic semiconductor called pentacene. As a result, they found that flowing electrons deform the molecules of the organic semiconductor to form polarons, which make it difficult for electrons to flow.
The 3rd Optical Function Workshop (Online)
○Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Development of angle-resolved low-energy inverse photoemission spectroscopy and measurement of conduction bands and formation of polarons in organic semiconductors" [Domestic conference, invited lecture].
○H. Yoshida, S. Fukushima, “Electron injection and collection barriers at organic/metal interface” 【国際学会・招待講演】
Joint Study Group on Organic Materials Development and Evaluation of Organic Thin Films (Institute of Scientific and Industrial Research, Osaka University)
Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Measurement of LUMO Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors and Elucidation of Conduction Mechanism" [Invited talk]. and Elucidation of Conduction Mechanism" [Domestic Conference, Invited Lecture] (in Japanese)
JST Future Society Creation Project Full Research Kickoff Symposium
Development of Pb-free perovskite solar cells composed of Sn" (Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University)
○Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Surface and Interface Structures of Perovskites Studied by Electron Spectroscopy
Applied Physics Society M&BE June Study Group "Forefront of Organic Molecules and Bioelectronics Research" (AIST Rinkai Fukutoshin Center)
○Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Actual Measurement of LUMO Band Structure of Organic Semiconductors and Elucidation of Conduction Mechanism" [Domestic Conference, Invited Lecture].
○H. Yoshida, A. Mirzehmet, “Surface/interface structures of perovskite films as studied by electron spectroscopies”【国際学会・口頭講演】
11th Dynamic Exciton Seminar (Online)
○Hiroyuki Yoshida, "Molecular Quadrupole and Charge Separation of Organic Thin Film Solar Cells" [Domestic Conference, Invited].