Research Objective | By flexibly controlling the symmetry on a solid surface, two-dimensional organic qubits with novel quantum spin properties will be engineered. |
Research Methodology | UHV-LT-STM, Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy (STS), Quasi-Particle Interference (QPI) 2D spin band mapping, Spin-Polazied STM Magnetic Imaging, Quantum Spin STM with Microwave and Visible Light Illumination |
Research Materials | Ultrathin Film Magnet, Nano Magnet, Molecule Magnet, Quantum Magnet, Van der Waals Magnet, NV-center in Diamond, Organic Molecules, 2D COFs, 2D MOFs, Graphene, Metal Superconductor, Layered Superconductor |
Research Field | Quantum Magnetism |
![]() NHK news |
![]() 毎日新聞、朝日新聞、千葉日報、日本経済新聞 |
![]() 読売新聞、毎日新聞、千葉日報 |
![]() 日本経済新聞, 千葉日報1面, 日刊工業新聞, 日経産業新聞, 産業新聞 |
![]() 日刊産業新聞, WEBリリース |
![]() 読売新聞、毎日新聞、千葉日報 |
![]() SEMとプローブ伝導計測付き製膜装置 |
![]() FEM装置 |
![]() Spemag |
![]() 大気AFM/STM (JEOL4200) |
![]() Tiny-SEM |
![]() 探針化学エッチング装置 |
![]() 磁気偏光顕微鏡 |
![]() 昇華精製電気炉 |
![]() VSM磁気計測装置 |
![]() 探針炎エッチング装置 |
![]() Cu(111)表面上のCO分子膜は動き続けていることが判明!40年間、固まってると思われていました。 |
![]() 世界で初めて、ポルフィリン分子と磁性原子がくっつき化学反応が起こる前の状態の直接観察に成功! |
![]() 特殊な式をつかうことで水晶振動子(QCM)で分子を厚さ[m]でなく、1個ずつの個数で吸着制御できます! |
![]() 非常に柔らかい環状クラウンエーテル分子の二次元規則(7x4)配列をCu(111)表面で実現! |
![]() 鉄をつかうと、分子を止められます!室温でも動きません!室温1分子磁気抵抗センサー!「特許取得」 |
![]() 「世界初」1個の有機分子が磁気抵抗センサーに使えることを実証しました! |
現代化学2025年3月号, 2025年2月18日出版 (JANコード 4910034870356).
[download: PDF]
Reversible Sliding Motion by Hole-Injection in Ammonium-Linked Ferrocene, Electronically Decoupled from Noble Metal Substrate by Crown-Ether Template Layer
Fumi Nishino, Peter Krueger, Chi-Hsien Wang, Ryohei Nemoto, Yu-Hsin Chang, Takuya Hosokai, Yuri Hasegawa, Keisuke Fukutani, Satoshi Kera, Masaki Horie and Toyo Kazu Yamada*
Small 2024, 2408217
[download: PDF]
Supporting Information: PDF
Supporting Movie 1:gif movie
Supporting Movie 2:gif movie
Supporting Movie 3:gif movie
Press release: Japanese version
Download, PDF.
Press release: English version
Download, PDF.
Toward 2D Organic Quantum Bit Array
山田 豊和 Toyo Kazu Yamada
電気学会 電子図書館 (IEEJ Electronic Library) 論文 No. MAG24085 (pp.1-6)
[download: PDF]
Cover image
Designing 2D Stripe Winding Network Through Crown-Ether Intermediate Ullmann Coupling on Cu(111) Surface
Toyo Kazu Yamada, Ryohei Nemoto, Haruki Ishii, Fumi Nishino, Yu-Hsin Chang, Chi-Hsien Wang, Peter Krueger, Masaki Horie
Nanoscale Horizons, 2024, 9, 718-730.
DOI: 10.1039/d3nh00586k
[download: PDF]
Supporting Information: PDF
ニュースリリース PDF.
Chibadai Next,
Growth of Transition-Metal Cobalt Nanoclusters on 2D Covalent Organic Frameworks
Toyo Kazu Yamada, Shingo Kanazawa, Keisuke Fukutani, Satoshi Kera
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2024 128, 3, 1477-1486.
DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c07435
[download: PDF]
Supporting Information: PDF
Cover image
On-Surface Growth of Transition-Metal Cobalt Nanoclusters Using 2D Crown-Ether Array
Toyo Kazu Yamada, Ryohei Nemoto, Fumi Nishino, Takuya Hosokai, Chi-Hsien Wang, Masaki Horie, Yuri Hasegawa, Satoshi Kera, and Peter Krueger
Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2024, 12, 874-883.
DOI: 10.1039/D3TC03339B
[download: PDF]
Supporting Information: PDF
ニュースリリース PDF.
Band-resolved Caroli-de Gennes-Matricon states of multiple-flux-quanta vortices in a multiband
Thomas Gozlinski, Qili Li, Rolf Heid, Ryohei Nemoto, Roland Willa, Toyo Kazu Yamada, Joerg Schmalian, Wulf Wulfhekel
Sci. Adv. 9, eadh9163 (2023)
[download: PDF]
Supporting Materials: PDF
Data S1: HTML
Data S2: HTML
Data S3: HTML
Data S4: HTML
Data S5: HTML
Data S6: HTML
ニュースリリース PDF
:読売オンライン(PR times),
EE times,
Spin-polarized STM study from surface magnetic imaging to quantum magnet measuring
山田 豊和 Toyo Kazu Yamada
野口研究所「時報」66号 公益財団法人野口研究所
[download: PDF]
【Report, 報告書】真空表面合成法による有機分子二次元ハニカム格子で実現する超高密度磁気記憶素子
山田 豊和
松籟科学技術振興財団 研究報告書第35集
[download: PDF]
山田 豊和
M&BE研究会「次世代に向けた有機分子・バイオエレクトロニクス最新研究」Vol.34 No.2(2023.6刊行)
M&BE. vol.34 No.2, pp.56-59 (2023).
[download: PDF]
【REVIEW】Magnetic Data Storage: from Classical to Quantum Magnets
山田 豊和, Toyo Kazu Yamada
「材料の科学と工学」Vol.60 No.2(2023.4.20刊行)
Materials Science and Technology of Japan(Mater. Sci. Tech. Jpn.) (2023.4.20).
[download: PDF]
Improving MgO/Fe Insulator-Metal Interface Structure through Oxygen-Precoating of Fe(001)
Nana K. M. Nazriq, Peter Krueger, Toyo Kazu Yamada
Applied Surface Science 618, 156628 (2023) .
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2023.156628
[download: PDF]
Supplementary Information: PDF
Switchable molecular functionalization of an STM tip: from a Yu-Shiba-Rusinov Tip to a Kondo tip
Cosme G. Ayani, Fabian Calleja, Ivan M. Ibarburu, Pablo Casado Aguilar, Nana K. M. Nazriq, Toyo K. Yamada, Manuela Garnica, Amadeo L. Vazquez de Parga and Rodolfo Miranda
Nanoscale 14, 15111-15118 (2022) .
DOI: 10.1039/D1NR08227B
[download: PDF]
Supplementary Information: PDF
ニュースリリース PDF
:HP, PR Times, Twitter, Facebook, 千葉日報.
[100]【Report, 報告書】
Annual Report of The Casion Science Promotion Foundation, pp.26-27 (2022).
[download: PDF]
【BOOK】朝倉書店|図説 表面分析ハンドブック, 日本表面真空学会 編
26.5 スピン偏極走査トンネル顕微鏡, Spin-polarized STM (SP-STM)
山田豊和 (Toyo Kazu Yamada)
B5/576ページ/2021年06月01日 ISBN978-4-254-20170-3 C3050
[download: PDF]
Interplay between point symmetry, oxidation state, and the Kondo effect in 3d transition metal acetylacetonate molecules on Cu(111)
Hongyan Chen, Timo Frauhammer, Satoru Sasaki, Toyo Kazu Yamada, and Wulf Wulfhekel
Physical Review B 103, 085423 (2021).
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.103.085423
[download: PDF]
Oxidative Vaporization Etching for Molybdenum Tip Formation in Air
Yuto Goto, Rie Suizu, Yutaka Noguchi, and Toyo Kazu Yamada
Applied Surface Science 542, 148642 (2021).
DOI: 10.1016/j.apsusc.2020.148642
[download: PDF],
Supplementary Information: PDF
Supporting Movie of the Mo-tip Flame Etching
mp4 movie
Unzipping Process of Wet Carbon NanotubesAdsorbedon Cu(111)in Ultra-High Vacuum:an STM / STSstudy
後藤悠斗, 安藤紗絵子, 角川佳樹, 高原茂, 山田豊和 (Yuto Goto, Saeko Ando, Keiju Kakugawa, Shigeru Takahara and Toyo Kazu Yamada)
表面と真空 64 (No.1) pp.40-46 (2021).
[download: PDF]
Room-Temperature Deposition of Cobalt Monolayer on (7×4) Crown-Ether Ring Molecular Array: Ultra-High Vacuum STM and UPS Study
根本諒平・Peter Krueger・細貝拓也・堀江正樹・解良聡・山田豊和 (Ryohei Nemoto, Peter Krueger, Takuya Hosokai, Masaki Horie, Satoshi Kera and Toyo Kazu Yamada)
表面と真空 63 (No.9) pp.465-469 (2020).
[download: PDF]
Instability of skyrmions in magnetic field
Loic Mougel, Patrick M. Buhl, Ryohei Nemoto, Timofey Balashov, Marie Herve, Julian Skolaut, Toyo Kazu Yamada, Bertrand Dupe, and Wulf Wulfhekel
Applied Physics Letters 116, 262406 (2020).
DOI: 10.1063/5.0013488.
[download: PDF]
Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study of Non-Collinear Magnetic Coupling in Layerwise Antiferromagnetic Mn(001) Ultra-Thin Films on Fe(001) due to Interface Roughening
小菅 裕太郎、山田 豊和* (Yutaro Kosuge and Toyo Kazu Yamada*)
表面と真空 63 (No.9) pp.459-464 (2020).
[download: PDF]
【Flash, 紹介記事】 金属表面上で動く分子
現代化学 (Chemistry Today), Vol.591 No.6, pp.12-13 (2020), FLASH.
[download: PDF]
Carbon Monoxide Stripe Motion Driven by Correlated Lateral Hopping in 1.4 × 1.4 Monolayer Phase on Cu(111)
Nana K. M. Nazriq, Peter Krueger, and Toyo Kazu Yamada
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 1753-1761 (2020).
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
Supporting Movies: CO hopping
日刊産業新聞(2020.3.23, 13面・非鉄)。
web release (WEBリリース)。
web 1。
web 2。
web 3。
雪山へ舞う白鳥、安藤紗絵子, 根本諒平, 山田 豊和
応用物理学会誌, Science As Art, Vol.89 No.2, pp.63 (2020).
[download: PDF]
Direct Imaging of Precursor Adcomplex States during Cryogenic-Temperature On-Surface Metalation: Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Study on Porphyrin Array with Fe Adsorption at 78.5 K
Eiichi Inami, Masataka Yamaguchi, Ryohei Nemoto, Hideki Yorimitsu, Peter Krueger,
and Toyo Kazu Yamada
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 3621-3631 (2020).
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
[88]【Report, 報告書】
Annual Report of The Murata Science Foundation, No.33, pp.480-488 (2019).
[download: PDF]
【REVIEW, 解説】《次世代市場トレンド≫次世代先端デバイス動向(7)有機デバイス
〜有機ELデバイスなどとして既に実用化されているが、さらに、高度な機能を発揮するものを創出する試みが精力的に進められている!〜 (株式会社 矢野経済研究所 ヤノ イー プラス編集部). 5. 有機デバイスに関連する企業・研究機関の取組動向, 5-3. 国立大学法人 千葉大学 (山田 豊和)
Yano E plus, No.140, pp.45-48 (2019). 2019年11月15日発行
[download: PDF]
カブトムシの幼虫、ナズリク ナナ、山田 豊和
応用物理学会誌, Science As Art, Vol.88 No.10, pp.641 (2019).
[download: PDF]
Well-Ordered Monolayer Growth of Crown-Ether Ring Molecules on Cu(111) in Ultra-High Vacuum: A STM, UPS, and DFT Study
Ryohei Nemoto, Peter Krueger, Ayu Novita Putri Hartini, Takuya Hosokai,
Masaki Horie, Satoshi Kera, and Toyo Kazu Yamada
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123, 18939-18950 (2019).
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
Fabrication of tungsten tip probes within 3 s by using flame etching
Takayuki Yamaguchi, Eiichi Inami, Yuto Goto, Yuta Sakai, Satoru Sasaki, Teruaki Ohno, and Toyo Kazu Yamada
Review of Scientific Instruments 90, 063701 (2019). (8 pages)
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
Movie: Flame Etching mp4 file movie
【Photo contest】「JSPSフォトコンテスト」
第13回応用物理学会フォトコンテスト作品, 2019年春季.
【Photo contest】「JSPSフォトコンテスト」
第13回応用物理学会フォトコンテスト作品, 2019年春季.
Nana K. M. Nazriq, 山田豊和,
CO-tip manipulation using repulsive interactions
Nana K. M. Nazriq, Emi Minamitani, and Toyo Kazu Yamada
Nanotechnology 29, 495701 (2018).
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
【Report, 報告書】室温でも超安定!「世界最薄」有機分子膜を実現〜磁石のパワーで分子膜を強力固定〜
千葉大学環境報告書, pp.18 (2018) 発行日2018.8.31.
【Report, 報告書】原子欠陥制御による電界駆動Fe/MgO磁気デバイスの創成
材料科学研究助成研究成果報告(公益財団法人 日立金属・材料科学財団), 第31集, pp.24-27 (2018).
【REVIEW, 解説】磁石でつくる室温でも安定な世界最薄の有機分子膜─磁性3d電子状態と分子π軌道との強固な結合 山田豊和, 稲見栄一
月刊「化学」 Vol. 73, No. 8, pp.44-48 (2018).
[download: PDF]
【Patent, 特許】山田豊和、稲見栄一, 発明の名称:薄膜形成方法及び記憶素子
出願日:平成30年6月5日, 出願番号:特願2018-107375, 特開2019-210511
[download: PDF]
Controlled Deposition Number of Organic Molecules Using Quartz
Crystal Microbalance Evaluated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Eiichi Inami, Masataka Yamaguchi, Takayuki Yamaguchi, Mikio Shimasaki, and Toyo Kazu Yamada
Analytical Chemistry 90, pp. 8954-8959 (2018).
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
3D illustration by Dr. Inami
Energy Gap Opening by Crossing Drop Cast Single-Layer Graphene Nanoribbons
Toyo Kazu Yamada, Hideto Fukuda, Taizo Fujiwara, Polin Liu, Kohji Nakamura, Seiya Kasai,
Amadeo L. Vazquez de Parga and Hirofumi Tanaka
Nanotechnology 29, 315705 (2018).
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
【REVIEW, 解説】 薄さは分子1個分!室温でも「超安定」な極薄有機分子膜‐磁気メモリの高密度化・省エネ化を促進, E. Inami and T. K. Yamada
academist Journal, 研究コラム, 2018年3月9日.
[download: PDF],
Room temperature stable film formation of π-conjugated organic molecules on 3d magnetic substrate
E. Inami, M. Shimasaki, H. Yorimitsu, and T. K. Yamada
Scientific Reports 8, 353 (2018)
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
科研費NEWS「最近の研究成果トピックス」, Vol.4, pp.10.
【BOOK】Compendium of Surface and Interface Analysis, Chapter 103: Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SP-STM)
Toyo Kazu Yamada
Springer, Singapore, DOI: 10.1007/978-981-10-6156-1
(日本表面科学会"表面分析図鑑"英語版), pp. 637-642, (2018).
[download: PDF]
【Review, 解説】スピン偏極STMの発展の歴史と今後の課題,
日本真空学会誌 (Journal of the Vacuum Society of Japan), 60巻, No.5, pp. 159-164, 2017年.
[download: PDF]
【BOOK】Molecular Architectonics
The Third Stage of Single Molecule Electronics
Spin polarization of single organic molecules: towards single molecular spintronics
T. K. Yamada
Springer, pp. 381-397, (2017). ISBN 978-3-319-57096-9, (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-57096-9
[download: XPS]
Role of π-d hybridization in 300-K organic-magnetic interface: metal-free phthalocyanine single molecules on bcc Fe(001)-whisker
T. K. Yamada, Y. Yamagishi, S. Nakashima, Y. Kitaoka, and K. Nakamura
Phys. Rev. B 94, 195437 (2016).
Selected as “Kaleidoscope”
[download: PDF]
Temperature control of the growth of iron oxide nanoislands on Fe(001)
Toyo Kazu Yamada, Yuki Sakaguchi, Lukas Gerhard, and Wulf Wulfhekel
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 55, 08NB14 (2016).
[download: PDF]
Electron-bombarded <110>-oriented tungsten tips for stable tunneling electron emission
T. K. Yamada, T. Abe, N. M. K. Nazriq, and T. Irisawa
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 033703 (2016).
[download: PDF]
【翻訳・解説】表面上の原子スピン (Atomic spins on surfaces, Andreas Heinrich, Physics Today)
パリティ, 31 (2016) 24-31.
[download: PDF]
【冊子】 極限スピン観察と制御:SP-STM (PDF 1.4MB)
日本磁気学会 第210回研究会資料「“スピン”の可視化とその操作」 (2016) 17-21.
Method for Controlling Electrical Properties of Single-Layer Graphene Nanoribbons via Adsorbed Planar Molecular Nanoparticles,
Hirofumi Tanaka, Ryo Arima, Minoru Fukumori, Daisuke Tanaka, Ryota Negishi, Yoshihiro Kobayashi, Seiya Kasai, Toyo Kazu Yamada and Takuji Ogawa
Scientific Reports, 5 (2015), 12341.
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
【Review, 解説】How to get molecular spin-polarization using spin-polarized STM,
T. K. Yamada,
Journal of The Surface Science Society of Japan, 36 (2015) 375-381.
[download: PDF]
【BOOK】Electronic processes in organic electronics
: Bridging electronic states and device properties
Chapter 18: Single molecular spintronics, T. K. Yamada
Springer, Tokyo、Springer Series in Materialsa Science 209, (2015) pp.403-416.
【Photo contest】「JSPSフォトコンテスト」
第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 坂口雄基、山田豊和
【Photo contest】「JSPSフォトコンテスト」
第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 中島脩平、山田豊和
【Photo contest】「JSPSフォトコンテスト」
第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会, 阿部巧、山田豊和
Room temperature spin-polarizations of Mn-based antiferromagnetic nanoelectrodes (Mn tip spin polarization)
T. K. Yamada and A. L. Vazquez de Parga
Appl. Phys. Lett. 105 (2014) pp.183109: 1-5.
[download: PDF]
山田豊和、オーム社、東京、pp.203-206, 2014年.
[download (50MB)]
第1章スピン偏極STM開発技術、山田豊和、日本学術振興会産学協力研究委員会特別事業、日本学術振興会マイクロビームアナリシス第141委員会編纂、東京、pp.1-32, 2014年
[download! (43MB)]
応用物理学会誌、図解・学術講演会大分類 表面・薄膜分野 , 山田豊和
「スピン偏極走査トンネル顕微鏡(STM)による1nmサイズの単一有機分子を用いた世界最小・磁気抵抗センサーの実証実験。フタロシアニン分子を介する伝導を磁性探針とナノ磁石の磁気結合(平行・反平行)で制御。」 2014年8月号.
追悼: 溝口正先生を偲んで。
日本磁気学会誌まぐね, 9 (2014) 245.
Recovery of nanomolecular electronic states from tunneling spectroscopy: LDOS of low-dimensional phthalocyanine molecular structures on Cu(111),
Y. Yamagishi, S. Nakashima, K. Oiso and T. K. Yamada,
Nanotechnology 24 (2013) 395704 (11pp).
[download: PDF]
How contacting electrodes affect single π-conjugated molecular electronic states: LDOS of phthalocyanine nano molecules on MgO(001), Cu(111), Ag(001), Fe(001) and Mn(001) [Selected Topics in Applied Physics (Nano Electronics and Devices)]
Shuhei Nakashima, Yuhei Yamagishi, Kenji Oiso, Toyo Kazu Yamada,
Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 52 (2013) 110115.
[download: PDF]
【Review, 解説】スピン偏極走査トンネル顕微鏡:ナノ材料の原子スケール磁気イメージング
日本顕微鏡学会誌, 48 (2013) 20-25.
[download: PDF]
【Review, 解説】単一ナノ分子・磁気抵抗素子〜スピン偏極STMによる単一分子電子スピン伝導測定〜
表面科学, 34 (2013) 443-448.
[download: PDF]
【Report, 報告書】 「ナノ」を通じた国際交流。
公益財団法人山田科学振興財団 財団ニュース平成25年度第1号、pp.18, 2013年
Spintronics with single molecules,
W. Wulfhekel, T. Miyamachi, S. Schmaus, T.K. Yamada, A. F. Takacs, A. Bagrets, F. Evers, T. Balashov, M. Gruber, V. Davesne, M. Bowen, and E. Beaurepaire
IEEE NANO proceedings, 2012 12th IEEE Internationa; Conference on Nanotechnology, (2012) 957-961.
[download: PDF]
Single molecule magnetoresistance with combined antiferromagnetic and ferromagnetic electrodes,
A. Bagrets, S. Schmaus, A. Jaafar, D. Kramczynski, T.K. Yamada, M. Alouani, W. Wulfhekel, and F. Evers,
Nano Letters, 12, (2012) 5131-5136.
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
Robust spin crossover and memristance across a single molecule,
T. Miyamachi, M. Gruber, V. Davesne, M. Bowen, S. Boukari, F. Scheurer, G. Rogez, T. K. Yamada, P. Phresser, E. Beaurepaire, and W. Wulfhekel,
Nature Communications, 3, (2012) 938.
[download: PDF]
NHK news (pictures)。
NHK news (movie: 32MB)。
【Review, 解説】 Electric Field Control of Fe Nano Magnets,
T. K. Yamada, L. Gerhard, R. J. H. Wesselink, A. Ernst, and Wulf Wulfhekel,
J. Magn. Soc. Jpn., 36, (2012) 100-103.
[download: PDF]
【Review, 解説】 電界による鉄ナノ磁石制御:金属表面での磁気電気結合
日本金属学会誌まてりあ, 51 (2012) 475-479.
[download: PDF]
【解説】 〜従来の100倍容量の記録を可能にする〜新しい鉄ナノ記録材料
Material Stage (月刊 マテリアルステージ), 12 (2012) 57-60.
【解説小記事】 留学経験を土台に世界を舞台に研究
日経BPムック・学習院大学理学部広報誌, pp.26-27, 2012年.
【解説小記事】 1個の鉄原子で情報記録に成功!〜世界最小・ナノ分子磁気メモリ〜
千葉大学「研究成果の見える化」最近の革新的な研究成果, pp.2, 2012年.
【解説小記事】 1個の鉄原子で情報記録に成功!〜世界最小・ナノ分子磁気メモリ〜
千葉大学「千葉大プレス」, pp.15, 2012年.
【解説小記事】 世界最小・ナノ分子磁気メモリ
千葉大学「Chiba University Handbook」, pp.12, 2012年.
Giant magnetoresistance through a single molecule,
S. Schmaus, A. Bagrets, Y. Nahas, T.K. Yamada, A. Bork, F. Evers, and W. Wulfhekel,
Nature Nanotechnology, 6, (2011) 185-189.
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千葉大学・千葉理数教育高大連携ニュース No.42。
Electrical control of the magnetic state of Fe,
L. Gerhard, T. K. Yamada, T. Balashov, A. F. Takacs, M. Daena, S. Ostanin, A. Ernst, I. Mertig, and W. Wulfhekel,
IEEE Transactions on Magnetics, 47, (2011) 1619-1622.
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【REVIEW】Electric field control of Fe nano magnets: towards metallic non-volatile data-storage devices,
Toyo Kazu Yamada, Lukas Gerhard, Timofey Balashov, Albert F. Takacs, Rien J. H. Wesselink, and Wulf Wulfhekel,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 50 (2011) 08LA03: 1-5.
[download: PDF]
[37] 【REVIEW, 解説】STMが切り拓く新たなスピンデバイスの創成,
日本磁気学会誌まぐね, 6 (2011) 333-341.
【REVIEW, 解説】【Editor’s Choice】電界による鉄ナノ磁石制御:金属表面での磁気電気結合の発見
表面科学, 32 (2011) 361-367.
[download: PDF]
日本発世界を変えるエコ技術 (山田豊和's インタビュー記事)【BOOK】
著:山路達也, ポット出版 (2011) 91-99.
ISBN978-4-7808-0161-3 C0040
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Magneto-electric coupling at metal surfaces,
L. Gerhard, T.K. Yamada, T. Balashov, A.F. Takacs, M. Daena, S. Ostanin, A. Ernst, I. Mertig, and W. Wulfhekel,
Nature Nanotechnology, 5, (2010) 792-797.
[download: PDF, Supplementary Information]
News & views: Making metallic memories by Dr. R. Ramesh.
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【BOOK】磁気イメージングハンドブック, 日本磁気学会編,
山田豊和, 第1章. (2010) 15-44.
共立出版、東京、2010年9月15日、ISBN 978-4-320-03468-6
2015年日本磁気学会 出版賞
Spin polarization vectors of field emitted electrons from apexes of Fe-coated W tips,
T. Irisawa, T. K. Yamada, and T. Mizoguchi,
New Journal of Physics, 11, (2009) 113031.
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Surface reconstruction of clean bcc-Fe{110}: A quasi-hexagonal top-layer with periodic height modulation,
T. K. Yamada, H. Tamura, M. Shishido, T. Irisawa, and T. Mizoguchi,
Surface Science, 603, (2009) 315-319.
[download: PDF]
Requirement of Ala residues at g position in heptad sequence of α-helix-forming peptide for formation of fibrous structure,
G. Aoki, T. K. Yamada, M. Arii, S. Kojima and T. Mizoguchi,
Journal of Biochemistry, 144, (2008) 15-19.
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Spin configuration in a frustrated ferromagnetic/antiferromagnetic thin-film system,
T. K. Yamada, E. Martinez, A. Vega, R. Robles, D. Stoeffler, A. L. Vazqeuz de Parga, T. Mizoguchi and H. van Kempen,
Nanotechnology, 18 (2007) 235702: 1-6.
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【REVIEW, 解説】Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy (cover image (表紙))
T. K. Yamada and T. Mizoguchi
The Physical Society of Japan, 62巻, No.7, pp.499-508, 2007年.
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【REVIEW, 解説】Spin-Polarized STM/STS: An Ultimate Experiment in Magnetism
T. K. Yamada and T. Mizoguchi
Solid State Physics, 42 (2007) 749-756.
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[26] Enormous electron emission from polygonal W tip,
T. Irisawa, T. K. Yamada, and T. Mizoguchi,
6th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for New Materials and Devices 2007 (ALC07) Proceedings: JSPS1441 Committee Activity Report (2007).
[25] 【Report, 報告書】Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy / Spectroscopy,
T. K. Yamada,
Report of The Magnetics Society of Japan Symposium, 155 (2007) 41-46.
[24] 【Report, 報告書】Study of magnetic interaction between ferromagnetic and anti-ferromagnetic layers by means of spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy: Fe/Mn/Fe(001)-multilayers,
T. K. Yamada, and T. Mizoguchi,
Report of The Magnetics Society of Japan Symposium, 140 (2007) 21-27.
Study of c(2x2)-MnAu(100) layers on Mn(001) by means of scanning tunneling microscopy /spectroscopy,
T. K. Yamada, A. L. Vazqeuz de Parga, M. M. J. Bischoff, T. Mizoguchi and H. van Kempen,
Surface Science, 600 (2006) 1048-1053.
[download: PDF]
Evaluation of sample spin-polarization from spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy experiments,
T. K. Yamada, A. L. Vazquez de Parga, M. M. J. Bischoff, T. Mizoguchi, and H. van Kempen,
Microscopy Research and Technique, 66 (2005) 93-104.
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Characterization of Fe/W spin-polarized tips by means of holographic TEM and spin-polarized STS of optically pumped p-GaAs,
T. Matsuda, A. Tonomura, T. K. Yamada, D. Okuyama, N. Mizuno, A. L. Vazqeuz de Parga, H. van Kempen and T. Mizoguchi,
IEEE Transactions and Magnetics, 41 (2005) 3727-3729.
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【REVIEW, 解説】 Study of magnetic structure of manganese (001) atomic layers by means of spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy / spectroscopy having sub-nanometer scale magnetic resolution,
T. K. Yamada and T. Mizoguchi,
Materia Japan, 44, (2005) 975.
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Spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy / spectroscopy study of MnAu(001) thin films,
T.K. Yamada, R. Robles, E. Martinez, M.M.J. Bischoff, A. Vega, A.L. Vazqeuz de Parga, T.Mizoguchi and H. van Kempen,
Physical Review B, 72 (2005) 014410: 1-4.
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【REVIEW】 Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy and Quantitative Analysis studied on Mn(001)
T. K. Yamada and T. Mizoguchi
Journal of The Surface Science Society of Japan, 26 (2005) 2-10.
[download: PDF]
Study of spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy on ultra-thin magnetic films and multilayers: sub-nanometer scale magnetism,
T. K. Yamada,
Radboud University Nijmegen, Ph.D thesis (2005) pp.1-193. ISBN90-9019035-X
[download: PDF (19MB)]
Study of Fe/Mn/Fe(001) multilayers by means of scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy,
T. K. Yamada, M. M. J. Bischoff, A. L. Vazqeuz de Parga, T. Mizoguchi and H. van Kempen,
Surface Science, 558 (2004) 201-210.
[download: PDF]
Sub-Nanometer Scale Mgnetism of Ultra-Thin Manganese Films on Fe(001) studied by means of Spin-Polarized Scanning Tunneling Microscopy/Spectroscopy,
T. K. Yamada,
Gakushuin University, Ph.D thesis (2004) pp.1-113.
[download: PDF (30MB)]
[14] Introduction of Basic Magnetism through Experiments V,
T. Mizoguchi and T. K. Yamada,
Journal of the Magnetics Society of Japan, 28 (2004) 1142-1149.
Observation of spin-polarized surface states on ultrathin bct Mn(001) films by spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy,
T. K. Yamada, M. M. J. Bischoff, G. M. M. Heijnen, T. Mizoguchi, and H. van Kempen,
Physical Review Letters, 90 (2003) 056803: 1-4.
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Origin of magnetic contrast in spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy: experiments on ultra-thin Mn films
T. K. Yamada, M. M. J. Bishoff, G. M. M. Heijnen, T. Mizoguchi, and H. van Kempen,
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 42 (2003) 4688-4691.
[download: PDF]
Data evaluation for spin-polarized scanning tunneling spectroscopy measurements,
T. K. Yamada, A. L. Vazquez de Parga, M. M. J. Bischoff, T. Mizoguchi, and H. van Kempen,
AIP Conf. Proc., 696 (2003) 608-614.
[download: PDF]
Use of voltage pulses to detect spin-polarized tunneling (Cover image, 表紙)
T. K. Yamada, M. M. J. Bischoff, T. Mizoguchi, and H. van Kempen
Applied Physics Letters, 82 (2003) 1437-1439. (Cover image)
[download: PDF]
【REVIEW】 Scanning Tunneling Spectroscopy Study of Surface States of 3d Metals: Chemical Identification, Magnetic Contrast and Orbital Kondo Resonance State,
M. M. J. Bischoff, C. M. Fang, R. A. de Groot, G. M. M. Heijnen, M. I. Katsnelson, O. Yu. Kolesnychenko, R. de Kort, A. I. Lichtenstein, A. J. Quinn, A. L. Vazqeuz de Parga, T. K. Yamada and H. van Kempen,
Acta Physica Polonica A, 104 (2003) 231-243.
[download: PDF]
Local electronic structure of Fe(001) surfaces studied by scanning tunneling spectroscopy,
M. M. J. Bischoff, T. K. Yamada, C. M. Fang, R. A. de Groot and H. van Kempen,
Physical Review B, 68 (2003) 045422: 1-7.
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Analysis of the short-range order of the Au/Fe(001) surface alloy,
M. M. J. Bischoff, T. K. Yamada, and H. van Kempen
Physical Review B, 67 (2003) 165403: 1-7.
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Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy study on the submonolayer growth of Mn on Fe(001)
M. M. J. Bischoff, T. Yamada, A. J. Quinn, and H. van Kempen
Surface Science, 501 (2002) 155-167.
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STM and STS study of ultrathin Mn layers on Fe(001),
T. K. Yamada, M. M. J. Bischoff, T. Mizoguchi, and H. van Kempen,
Surface Science, 516 (2002) 179-190.
[download: PDF]
[4] Photoemission and STM, STS Study of Cs/p-GaAs(110),
T. Yamada, J. Fujii, T. Mizoguchi
CP570, SPIN2000, 14th International Spin Physics Symposium, 908-911, (2001).
STM, STS, and Local Work Function Study of Cs/p-GaAs(110),
T. Yamada, J. Fujii, T. Mizoguchi,
Surface Science, 479 (2001) 33-42.
[download: PDF]
Polarization of Secondary Electrons from Clean and Oxygen-Chemisorbed Ni(110),
Y. Oshima, T. Yamada, J. Fujii, and T. Mizoguchi,
Trans. Magn. Soc. Japan, 1 (2001) 16-21.
[download: PDF]
Direct observation of surface alloying and interface roughening: Growth of Au on Fe(001),
M. M. J. Bischoff, T. Yamada, A. J. Quinn, R. G. P. van der Kraan, and H. van Kempen,
Physical Review Letters, 87 (2001) 246102: 1-4.
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